Apple AirTag 4 Pack

(9 customer reviews)


    SKU: B0932QJ2JZ



    9 reviews for Apple AirTag 4 Pack

    1. Turbo97se

      These AirTags are absolutely awesome! I use these on everything that I am afraid of losing. I put them on important keys, in my backpack, in my suitcase on my motorcycle etc etc …
      They are relatively expensive but if you weigh up the cost and inconvenience of losing the item, these are so so worth it!

      Keys I can locate in an instant by using the Find My app and tracking and there is a mini beeping function.
      Luggage I can tell if my checked bags made it on the plane and arrived at the destination airport and have come onto the belt.
      For motorcycle, I can hide it on the motorcycle and feel safer in case my motorcycle is stolen. You can do the same for a car also …

      I just have so much more peace of mind.

      The only thing that maybe a negative is that some replacement batteries have a coating that needs to be removed before it will work in AirTags .. which is something of an inconvenience. Other than that … PERFECT!

    2. foxposte

      I had my car stolen in January; it took more than four months after it was recovered to get it back repaired and in one piece. So I have air tags now for my car, bicycle, purse, and car keys. I have them all labeled on my cell phone, so I can track them down when stolen or if I accidentally leave them somewhere. So far this has worked well & after several months. Once, I left my pocket purse at the grocery, and was easily able to locate it.

      When my car was stolen, I had an air tag in my purse, more than a year-old. The purse wasn’t in the car, when it was recovered, but the air tag in the purse was still active. Unfortunately, it showed up Between houses—probably in a storage shed, or vehicle—the location could not be determined precisely enough for a warrant!

      So, it does have some limitations. Another air tag showed up as well, during the search for my car. But this one had been with my car keys, and had FALLEN OUT on a neighbor’s property, near a family member’s house. I must have lost it, getting into my car. That’s why I bought containers for my new air tags! But it’s a great product for the price; highly recommend these! Drop one somewhere in your car or hide one on your bike where it’s unlikely to be found.

      Most thieves are teens, and not mental giants, so it’s not going to take sophisticated security to safeguard your belongings. Of course, great to use higher-end security—if you can afford it. (I’m not in that category. I seem to need to spend my money elsewhere, like on car insurance, which is up six-fold!)

    3. @ChrisCruzBolsonaro

      Apple AirTags have proven to be a true lifesaver for me, and I couldn’t be happier with my purchase. This pack of four units is a tracking solution that combines efficiency, elegant design, and seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem.

      Setting up and pairing the AirTags with my Apple device was surprisingly straightforward. Within minutes, I was ready to start tracking my valuables. Apple’s “Find My” app makes the location process quick and uncomplicated. I no longer have to waste time searching for keys, bags, or backpacks.

      The tracking accuracy is remarkable. AirTags use Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology and the global “Find My” network to ensure that I can locate my belongings with precision, whether indoors or outdoors. Even in crowded environments, the performance is impressive.

      The durability of AirTags is outstanding. They are water and dust-resistant, making them ideal for daily use. Moreover, the battery lasts a long time, and replacement is easy and affordable.

      The design of AirTags is typical of Apple – sleek and minimalist. They are small, discreet, and fit perfectly on any keychain or in a pocket. The build quality is exceptional, and they feel robust and well-crafted.

      The “Lost” feature allows other Apple users to help locate your lost items while maintaining privacy. This is a smart touch and adds an extra layer of utility.

      Even with my opinion about the need for a nearby Apple device, this product deserves all 5 stars. Apple AirTags are a top-notch tracking solution that provides peace of mind and efficiency. With their simple setup, tracking precision, durability, elegant design, and intelligent features, they are an investment worth every penny. If you’re an Apple user who values the security of your belongings, AirTags are an unbeatable choice. I’m extremely satisfied with my purchase and can’t recommend them enough.

    4. Ibuystuffonline

      Well, Apple did it again. I was late to the game with airtags, but I am glad I finally bought some. I have installed one on my expensive camera, one hidden in my checked luggage bag, one in my wallet and the fourth one on my dog’s collar.
      While I was on vacation, I tracked my bag being transferred from one plane to the next while waiting in the airport lounge. Once I got to my destination, I got an alert that my dog was on the other end of my town. It was my friend taking her to the park for a walk! The possibilities for these are endless.
      I am extremely impressed with the accuracy of the tags and the volume of the alerts you can ping if you lose your wallet for example in your house. Using apple’s immense network of devices as antennas to pinpoint a tracker’s location is brilliant considering you can’t go anywhere without seeing at least one person who has an iphone. It is truly mindblowing. I have had these for a few months and am told the batteries will need to be replaced after about a year. I find this to be acceptably comparable to most other tracking devices.
      While I have always thought Apple products are a little overpriced, I believe these are worth it for the fascinating technology behind them and the accuracy and peace of mind they provide.

    5. Lisa Coneeny

      This was a last minute purchase before my overseas trip. I was not sure if it was worth the money. Let me tell you it was completely worth the investment! My luggage was lost and didn’t make it back. The airlines was still looking in the original airport. Due to the AirTag I was able to send them a screen shot showing it was actually sitting in the airport where I had my first connection, not the original airport. Then the bag did not arrive at my home when expected. Again, I was able to inform them where the bag was once it arrived back in country at the arrival airport, which was not the final destination airport. I finally received my bag 4 days later. I am convinced it would have been closer to a couple of weeks later, if ever, had I not had the AirTag.

    6. Helpful Reviewer

      1.When the dogs start howling at the coyotes at 6:30 in the morning, I play one dog’s AirTag once or twice and they all stop howling.

      2. We got a new black cat who is famous for hiding and not being found. I trained him to come out when I beep his AirTag. Sometimes I just use the find my app to find him rather than calling him out. Once he got out of the house at night and ran into the desert. I was able to track him by beeping his AirTag. He’s so black I would not have been able to find him without it. There are so many predators out here that it may have saved his life.

      3. I got an iPhone 13 ProMax. I’d hoped I could use the AirTag to find my car in a parking lot. It doesn’t really work for that. You’re better off just putting a pin in your map to help you find your car. My phone only starts sensing the tag when I’m within 15 feet or so. I usually have to be a lot closer than that for it to point towards the AirTag. So it works to find the cat in the house, but not my car. This is a great device to tell you approximately where something is, but it’s not perfect. Oddly, if it’s too dark, it will tell me it needs more light. I sure don’t understand that.

      Now the original review on how it saved my dog’s life…

      Got Air Tags for each of my dogs. Even decided to update my phone to better track them, but that’s not happening until April. We live in the wilderness. There are very few people out here and fewer iphones. When our dogs go exploring, we can’t find them via the AirTag (though one time my dog appearantly came across a hiker with an iphone as she registered as being on the trail.) However, when my husband goes biking and takes the dog, as long as they have cellphone coverage, we can see where they’re at.

      This morning I took Annie with me to pick up a Home Depot curbside order. Ran into Target to get some lettuce. Came out and Annie was gone. It became appearant I left the back windows open too much and she jumped out.

      The Air Tag had issues. It would tell me where she was, so I would drive there, but by the time I got there, she was gone. It wouldn’t refresh and look for her, so I kept missing her. Called Apple to see if they could track her, but they said they’re not meant for a moving target. I filed her as lost in the app, but once she blipped on my phone, it automatically shut off the “Notify when found” even though I hadn’t found her, she’d just been in the vicinity. So while I was frantically trying to find her, I was having to set the app to notify me when it found her. However, it let me know about where she was so I knew how to focus my search.

      She spent most of her day in the a wild, dry river wash where the tag wouldn’t signal because it’s below street level and there were no iphones down there. (Though when I was near her a couple times it didn’t ding. One of those times was when I ran into really busy traffic to stop cars from hitting her, so we were in cell zone and she was close to my phone.) Met some really nice people (a mall security guard and some homeless people) that spent hours helping me find her. Plus a dad and daughter on bikes that just happened to see her. Three times she and I looked at each other and she ran away from me. I’ve heard dogs go into survival mode after about a week on the road and will run from their families, but this was only a few hours. (She was feral when I got her so maybe she just reverted faster.) Finally, at sunset, I went home. Except she kept beeping off the AirTag. (She only did that once an hour during the day and now it was more frequent.) I worried she’d been hit by a car.

      I drove back to the mall with Harvey, her dog-BFF. For three hours she circled around me and Harvey. She was afraid of us, but she was also staying near and watching. When she went away, Harvey and I went into the van to escape the cold. Then the air tag would ding. We’d get out of the car and play “Where’s Waldo” in the dark. Eventually I’d see her just standing there watching us from the shadows. Then she’d disappear agin. Then the tag said she was back. I wondered if this would be easier with a newer iphone as mine is only a 7Plus.

      At 12:40 a.m., she walked towards the van. I partially opened the door and stuck my head out. “Hi, Annie.” And finally, she recognized me. After 13 hours of driving, walking, riding my bike (my husband brought me my bike,) and sitting out in the cold so she could see me, she finally recognized me. She wagged her tail, came up to me, and got in the van.

      The AirTag had issues, but it gave me ideas as to where she was. Without the tag, I would not have been able to find her. A few years ago our rescued ex-bait dog stayed with my parents while we were on vacation. They live a couple hours away. Shortly after we got home, the dog jumped their fence. I drove up immediately to try and find her. We looked for two weeks. She was sighted so many different places miles apart (Facebook has great dog-finding groups.) Saddly, she was hit and killed. If she’d had an AirTag, we would have known about where she was and we would have found her. I hope the AirTag works better when I get my Iphone 13 in a couple weeks. However, even not working great, it saved my dog’s life.

    7. ian

      The Apple AirTag is a compact and unassuming accessory that packs a punch when it comes to tracking your belongings. As a professional reviewer, I’ve had the opportunity to thoroughly evaluate its performance, and I must say, it’s a game-changer in the world of item tracking.

      Design and Build Quality:
      The AirTag’s design follows Apple’s tradition of simplicity and elegance. Its small, coin-like form factor is both unobtrusive and practical, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into your everyday life. The stainless steel back not only adds durability but also gives it a premium feel. It’s clear that Apple has paid meticulous attention to detail.

      Setup and Integration:
      Setting up the AirTag is a breeze for anyone in the Apple ecosystem. With a single tap, it pairs effortlessly with your iPhone or iPad, and it’s instantly accessible through the Find My app. The integration into the Apple ecosystem is seamless, making it an appealing choice for existing Apple users.

      Tracking Precision:
      The real magic of the AirTag becomes apparent when it comes to tracking. The Precision Finding feature, available on iPhone 11 and later models, offers an astonishingly accurate and intuitive way to locate your tagged items. The combination of U1 chip technology and AR guidance ensures you’ll find your lost items with pinpoint accuracy.

      Privacy and Security:
      Apple’s commitment to privacy is evident in the AirTag’s design. The device operates on a network of over a billion Apple devices, ensuring the anonymity of both the AirTag and its owner. Additionally, users are notified if an unknown AirTag is traveling with them, enhancing safety and security.

      Battery Life:
      The AirTag is designed to last, with a replaceable CR2032 battery that provides up to a year of usage. Battery replacement is a straightforward process, ensuring your tracking device won’t become obsolete after a short period.

      Users can personalize their AirTags with custom engravings, adding a touch of personality to this otherwise utilitarian gadget.

      In conclusion, the Apple AirTag is a triumph of design and functionality. Its seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem, remarkable tracking precision, and commitment to privacy make it an invaluable tool for those who want to keep tabs on their belongings. While it’s not without its limitations, such as Android compatibility, its strengths far outweigh any shortcomings. If you’re invested in the Apple ecosystem and value peace of mind when it comes to tracking your valuables, the AirTag is a must-have accessory that lives up to the Apple standard of excellence.

    8. Old Kook Skater

      I purchased a pack of 4 and use them as follows:

      My son’s truck – it’s a 1988 Toyota so he can keep track of where he parked and, heaven forbid, if anyone steals it.

      I have one in my 2011 non-Bluetooth SUV because I’m old and don’t like to try to remember where I parked – it’s hard enough managing the shopping list without picking up my phone, let alone remembering where I parked, when the grocery stores in Texas have parking lot acreage and you could wander around for 45 minutes before you find your vehicle.

      Use one for my dog. He’s a shelter rescue that we took home with us 10 years ago and he’s still a runner because he gets so excited to meet other dogs and people – he’s a little impulsive so this helps us keep tabs on him if he get out. It’s on his collar and so far he doesn’t mind. It also helps us find him hiding in the house after he’s dug into the trash. Again.

      I gave the fourth one to my wife for our last trip. It gave her peace of mind to know where her baggage was and see it was loaded onto the plane (well, was in the vicinity of where we were which was on the plane). It also helped us know when our luggage was about to be put into the carousel at the airports and when they were near, which means we could pick out our nondescript baggage with more confidence.

      I also like that these can be repurposed quite easily in the maps app and they’re very accurate.

    9. Cory Maffeo

      The AirTag continues Apple’s tradition of cutting-edge technology and stylish products. These small monitoring gadgets have the potential to completely change the game when it comes to keeping track of your valuables. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the Apple AirTag 4 Pack and see how its combination of precision, performance, and reliability can provide you peace of mind like no other device on the market.

      Quality of Construction and Design: 5/5

      The AirTag exemplifies Apple’s penchant for minimal, sophisticated design. The device itself is a little disc about the size of a dime, made of polished stainless steel and sporting the Apple logo in the center of a white, minimalist front surface. The AirTag looks amazing and feels high-end thanks to this design philosophy.

      As one would expect from Apple, the construction is flawless. The AirTag is sturdy and long-lasting, so it won’t break or wear out after regular use. With an IP67 classification, it can withstand dust and water, making it ideal for outdoor use.

      Function and Efficiency (5.0/5.0):

      The Apple AirTag exemplifies the company’s dedication to quality and innovation. Using the Find My app on your iPhone, you can determine the specific location of your tagged things thanks to the U1 chip’s accurate location monitoring using ultra-wideband technology. When compared to other tracking devices, this level of accuracy is unparalleled.

      The AirTag is extremely simple to set up and use. Using an AirTag is as easy as bringing it near an iPhone because of how well it integrates with other Apple products. Once set up, the AirTags are easily managed and tracked with the Find My app.

      Usability (5.0/5.0)

      The AirTag’s intuitive design is indicative of Apple’s focus on the customer experience. The Find My app’s user interface makes keeping tabs on your tagged goods simple and straightforward. AirTags can be given names, placed on certain goods, and even set to emit a sound when they are lost or stolen.

      The ability to notify others of an AirTag’s whereabouts provides a new level of ease, making it simple to work together to find lost things. Your AirTag will continue to work for many years without having a battery replacement thanks to its user-replaceable power source.

      Value for the Money: 5 out of 5

      While the Apple AirTag 4 Pack is more expensive than some other tracking gadgets on the market, it provides excellent value for the money. The cost is warranted due to the accuracy of tracking, the convenience of usage, and the app’s compatibility with other Apple products. If you need to keep track of several goods or want to give AirTags to family members, the 4-pack bundle is a great value.

      The **Final** Thoughts (5/5)

      Finally, the Apple AirTag 4 Pack exemplifies Apple’s commitment to accuracy, efficiency, and the quality of its users’ experiences. It revolutionizes the industry for tracking devices thanks to its cutting-edge form factor, top-notch construction, and pinpoint accuracy. The Apple AirTag gives you piece of mind whether you’re trying to protect your keys, wallet, backpack, or anything else of value.

      Because it works in tandem with Apple’s Find My app, keeping track of and editing your labeled objects is a breeze. The cost may be more than you were hoping to spend, but the benefits you reap make it worthwhile. The Apple AirTag 4 Pack is an excellent option for people in need of cutting-edge tracking technology and earns our highest possible rating of five stars.

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    Apple AirTag 4 Pack